Our Island Tour!

Come take a road trip with Jedd A. Diah across our exciting island:

North America!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Boilin Burritos!

Good times...include cooking unconventionally yet resourcefully. An exciting snack after an evening of filming you'll soon see at

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I like my place.

While at times I wonder whether I'm where I oughtta be...I am in a pretty good situation and must make the most of it. My life will be better as I embrace my place plus prepare to upgrade.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lynn & Les: Twins with a Twist

"Lynn, rub my ear!" Les demands. "It's hard to reach" Lynn complains. "Oh, you can...ahhh, a little higher" Les is happy having received his urgent ear massage.

Simply a sample of the hilarious interaction between these 'special' (as Lynn likes to address himself & others mentally challenged) twin brothers Lynn & Les.

We picked up Les at the Boise Airport having flown from Fairbanks Alaska. Boise offered a better fare than Salt Lake & an exciting excursion with a couple brothers from the same mother (at the same time).