Our Island Tour!

Come take a road trip with Jedd A. Diah across our exciting island:

North America!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bus Break!

Ahhh...I needed that! Even with only 4 minutes & 37 seconds a refreshing swing breaks the driving monotony and introduced me to some budding photographers (pictured swinging). Indeed the best part about driving (and life) is recess!

Friday, April 18, 2008

A Tribute...

See Jeddadiary at

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"I almost got stuck in your bathroom!" is what I was about to tell the hotel attendants, but since they were busy I'll text & tell U. I just experienced my first automated soap dispenser. Combined with the auto-flush toilet, laser-induced sink water, and automatic towel dispenser I instinctively reached for the door expecting it to open on its own. I waved my hand in front of it, yet no movement ensued. I looked for the laser unsuccessfully & finally accepted my fate: I would have to turn the handle on my own in order to exit...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The deadline arrives: Tuesday Taxcut

Tax time creates some quality entertainment at post offices. Salt Lake City's Downtown office is no different and I'm enjoying observing these amazingly relaxed last minute filers. I've been in their shoes frantically calculating my refund (or payment) to beat the midnight deadline. This year though I got on it early and promptly filed yesterday afternoon!

Monday, April 7, 2008

New 2008 Goal!

I'm creating a new goal for 2008--Make enough money to not qualify for earned income credit (a.k.a. my welfare check). I almost made it this year, but missed it by a hair (a few actually--97.14). This should be amazingly easy considering the amazingly low cutoff of 12,590, yet this is a part of Jedd's life he hasn't fully figured out. But rest assured he will! In fact I really have millions this very moment safely stored in other peoples bank accounts--perhaps yours?! Once I create something valuable enough, you'll share!

Update!!! HR Block just informed me...

"The amount of your Earned Income Credit is $0."

Woo Hoo--No Welfare Check & my quickest goal ever accomplished! On to the next goal: Your bank account!